My Stories


Hey guys. Happy 2019! How we got to mid January of 2019, I am seriously lost for words.As with every new year, that season of goals and dreaming sets in. It took me a little longer this year to really dig into where I wanted to go this year. I am not a huge resolution setter, more of a small goal kind of gal. Small goals let me feel accomplished and not overwhelmed by the end result seeming harder to reach.But back to where I was going with this.One thing I decided for sure, was I needed to pour into a personal project. I need to use photography more for my own kiddos. There is that rut that anyone can get sucked into..... Well my life is not interesting. We just do normal things. What do I? How... And here we roll into goal number two. Turn that crap talk off and just take the pictures.So cheers to week one of the complete randomness of the Miller household!The hubs, if he's home, he's probably reading. Or multiple levels deep in Mario with Levi. He's studying to be a history teacher. This is semester 6 of who knows how many, and he loves it.This kid. He hates clothes. You should not only keep a close eye on him to ensure he stays alive, but that he keeps his clothes on. Like, anywhere..... But he also loves costumes. You never know who he will come out of his room being. There are also rules around this. You must call him by this name. You must also know when he is no longer this character and requires to then call him only "Levi." Or else....Granola Bar smiles from the 3rd row. We made the switch to a mini van a few weeks ago. This kiddos is in love. In love with the buttons, that he has the 3rd row to himself most of the time, and when we pick sister up from school, the van turns into our personal space ship.I have seen this idea of capturing children under beautiful quilts for awhile now. I was gifted this quilt and I knew what had to be done. I was going to make it a game. I mean who doesn't love a good game of peekaboo.... Well apparently this kid. I got maybe 30 seconds before he only had time for jumping on the bed. He told me it was frustrating to hide under blankets... He's getting to clever these days.This bookshelf normally houses all those history books I was talking about earlier. Short story, a certain little person found them. We moved the important ones and pushed the smaller ones to the back. Apparently we made a fun seat/lounge area for all the kiddos. #parentingfailIf you don't follow along with my Instagram stories, you may have missed that there are frequently lots of children in my house. Like a lot. A few weeks ago I had five kiddos a couple days in a row... Another reason it was time for the mini van...One of those small goals, learn to love plants. I'm not super great at this. I may just end up sticking with kids....!Today, as a team we worked hard together. We are taking a winter road trip to visit Grumps. Yes, that's what my kiddos call my Dad. Like "Grumpy" from the Seven Dwarfs... Its extremely fitting, and he wont deny any of this. Sissy was in charge of the muffins. They were supposed to be blueberry muffins, but she decided to make them just cinnamon. "I'm going for a cinnamon pop tart, but a muffin." She's very much into doing things the Kailey way.So, if your still following along, HI friend! Thank you for going along with a little about us! I hope to publish this weekly on Fridays. If you come back next week, you will get to ride along our road trip to Oregon.Happy Weekend Friends!MorganXO


My Stories
