A few months ago, my bestie texted me that they were coming to town for Christmas! Lacey and I have know each other since the 5th grade, roughly 18 years.. Insert that emoji with the bulging crazy eyes. In the last 18 I have learn so much from this girl an her family. We were Salt&Pepper as Gma Jan would say. We traveled together, we went over my text limit (yes that was a thing and totally proves that I am getting old), and I learned what was so important in life. Family, laughing until you almost pee your pants, and singing your heart out to Michael Jackson.
So back to Christmas break coming to visit family! She wanted to capture her adorable, giggly, whole hearted love she shares with her honey! Coming from So Cal, they wanted to explore the mountains. We dreamed of snow covered mountains, golden light and a beautiful long flowy dress (so maybe that was mostly me, but hey it was a good idea)! It snowed the day before their sessions, the skies parted ways and gave us an amazing show of her golden sunshine and it was perfection.
Let me tell you something, these two were ridiculously adorable!
As much as I would love to take credit for how adorable these two are, part of our session planning was with the ah-mazing Lanea North at Bombshell Hair and Makeup Lounge , and Ambiance of Placerville. Hair and Makeup plus amazing beautiful outfits completed this winter wonderland session!